The MacLehose Trail Stages 1 and 2, Hong Kong

Hiking the MacLehose Trail Stages 1 and 2 in Hong Kong

What better way to spend Chinese New Year than hiking the MacLehose Trail in Hong Kong? This is the story of how we attempted to hike the whole of one of HK’s most challenging trails over the CNY weekend and ended up only managing only the MacLehose Trail Stages 1 and 2.

Oh, the MacLehose Trail, you say? It’s only 100 kilometres! You can do it in three days! Hiking only 10 hours a day! MacLehose was the Bear Grylls of his time! (Ok, no one really said that last part.)

Contrary to what we heard, it turned out the trail was not what we expected, as old Mac had a few tricks up his sleeve…

What is the MacLehose Trail?

The MacLehose Trail is a 100-kilometre hike, divided into 10 stages, which stretch across the New Territories from the east coast to the west of Hong Kong. It starts in Sai Kung and ends in Tuen Mun. It’s one of the toughest, but also one of the best hikes in Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Tourism board describes the full trail as:

  • Average hiking time: About 6 hours
  • Distance: About 16 km
  • Difficulty: Very Difficult

Who was MacLehose?

Sir Murray MacLehose was the longest-serving British governor of Hong Kong (1971-1882), who established the country parks and was supposedly an enthusiastic hiker himself.

The MacLehose Trail Stages 1 and 2 sign

Funnily enough, there is no evidence that he actually ever attempted the MacLehose Trail, either in stages or its entirety, though there are some references to him enjoying visits to Sai Kung in his private helicopter. How lovely.

The MacLehose Trail is also famous for the Oxfam Trailwalker, a fundraising event that takes place every November, where crazies endurance runners run and hike the whole thing in one go, usually between 24 to 48 hours. (How do they eat? How do they sleep? Can they see in the dark? Who are these ridiculous people?).

Start of the MacLehose Trail Stage 1
Start of the MacLehose Trail Stage 1

MacLehose Trail Stage 1 – Pak Tam Chung

We aimed to set off early, so we left North Point by taxi for Sai Kung around 5am, then took a second taxi to the entrance of Pak Tam Chung Country Park, arriving about 6am.

If you would like to try and hike the MacLehose Trail Stages 1 and 2 for yourself, but don’t fancy a pre-dawn start, there are buses that go at a godlier hour. There is bus schedule information available, however, I would strongly recommend double-checking these schedules and taking them with a pinch of salt. Because Sai Kung.

Sunrise over the Reservoir from the MacLehose Trail Stage 1
Sunrise over the Reservoir

MacLehose Trail Stage 1 – 10.6 kilometres – Pak Tam Chung to Long Ke

The MacLehose Trail Stage 1 starts near the entrance of Pak Tam Chung Country Park and is less of a trail and more of a flat and pleasant walk along country roads.

It traverses through the Geopark with its impressive dams and cutesy information boards about hexagonal columns formed by volcanic activity (the cartoon rock introducing himself with “Hello, my name is Dike,” certainly made us titter). This eventually turns into more of a trail with steps down to the scenic Long Ke beach.

View of Long Ke Beach from the MacLehose Trail
Ever seen a Long Ke beach than this???

Highlights: Watching the sunrise from behind the mountains, across the reservoir.

Lowlights: Next to the stunning Long Ke beach there is a super-creepy drug rehabilitation centre. Think faded and peeling pastel paints, rusted white gates and pictures of smiling animals whose eyes seem to follow you as you walk away… pretty sure they shot the opening credits of True Detective there.

Hiking the MacLehose Trail Stage 1 - at the Reservoir

MacLehose Trail Stage 2 – 13.5 kilometres – Long Ke to Pak Tam Au

The MacLehose Stage 2 is a little harder and longer than Stage 1, with lots of ups and downs. However, the views were amazing and totally worth it. We saw the gorgeous Tai Long Wan coastline from angles we had never seen before.

The trail then winds into familiar territory as we came into Sai Wan village and passed the beautiful natural rock pools made by the spring that feeds into the ocean (no time for cliff diving today though).

Hikers and view of Tai Long Wan from the MacLehose Trail
View of Tai Long Wan’s three beaches

Then, it’s up and over a final hill to Ham Tin beach, where we stopped for a double helping of Yang Zhou fried rice, Singapore noodles and beef udon to keep us going before heading back up the hill to the end of Stage 2.

Bridge at Ham Tin Beach at Tai Long Wan
It wouldn’t be a visit to Ham Tin beach without a good wobble over this feat of engineering

Highlights: incredible views across to the aptly-named Sharp Peak as well as Tai Long Wan. Also, Singapore noodles, get in my belly!

Lowlights: couldn’t MacLehose have built a bridge from one mountain to the other to save our hamstrings?

Hiking the MacLehose Trail - Ocean and Mountain View

MacLehose Trail Stage 3 – camping and (sob) turning back

Our good friend MacLehose certainly had a sense of humour, as his trail from the east to west of Hong Kong involves doing a full circle up and down mountains and around the reservoir before actually going inland. So, with two stages out of three down, we were nearly back where we started.

We started Stage 3 around 4.30pm, knowing there was probably no way we would get to our intended campsite before we lost the sun (10.2 kilometres away up a very steep hill on the most difficult leg of the whole trail).

Hiking the MacLehose Trail in the New Territories in Hong Kong

Sure enough, we lost the light with six kilometres still to go, but found a smaller campsite to stay at, rather than attempting the last two to three hours of walking in the dark.

We had originally planned to make up the time the following day by rising early, setting off before sunrise and trying to walk at a faster pace. However, the night proved to be unseasonably cold, with none of us sleeping a wink and one of our party spraining an ankle when trying to run about to keep warm.

In the morning, seeing the frost on our tents (frost in Hong Kong!), Sabrina’s swollen ankle and knowing we wouldn’t be able to camp another night in those conditions, we decided to turn back and get a bus home.

Camping at Stage 3 of the MacLehose Trail

On the plus side, we saw a monkey! On the first day of the Year of the Monkey – that’s a good omen and cancels out our bad luck, right? (Find out little-known facts about Chinese New Year here)

Lowlights: walking about a thousand steps up a mountain, being the coldest I have ever been in my life, having to turn back the next day and walk the thousand steps back down the same mountain, blisters, swollen knees, sprained ankles, sunburn and very sore legs.

Highlights: it turns out that 7-Eleven’s finest King Robert whiskey does have some use – swigging it around a campfire and looking up at the rarely-seen stars is the best way to keep warm.

Hikers on the MacLehose Trail in Hong Kong

Hiking the MacLehose Trail Stages 1 and 2 – Review

So, even though we didn’t manage the full MacLehose Trail, we were still very proud of hiking a very hilly 20-something kilometres in 13 hours. This was definitely one of my favourite hikes in Hong Kong. I take my hat off to those that manage to walk the whole trail, especially those that somehow do the whole thing in one go!

Beach and mountain view of the New Territories from the MacLehose Trail

We may have been overly ambitious, but we’ll definitely return to do the following stages one day (but maybe just as day hikes next time!). Perhaps the MacLehose Trail really is best enjoyed as it is marked out – in shorter stages.

Or, even better, as MacLehose himself enjoyed it – from the passenger seat of his private helicopter…

More About Hong Kong

I lived in Hong Kong for five years, teaching English and later working in marketing and publishing. For more HK travel recommendations, you can read my Hong Kong Guide here, filled with lesser-known destinations and local expat insights.

Travel Essentials

Here are the websites and services I personally use and recommend. 

Disclaimer: this box contains affiliate links. This means I earn a small commission if you choose to make a purchase using this link, but at no cost to you.

FLIGHTS: The best deals can be found on Skyscanner, Google Flights and Kiwi (learn more about Kiwi travel hacking here).

TRAVEL INSURANCE: I recommend World Nomads for travel insurance because you can purchase once you’re already overseas and you can easily extend your policy. For digital nomads, I recommend and personally use Genki (learn more about Genki digital nomad health insurance here).

E-SIM: For travel in Europe, I use an e-sim with GoMobile, which is a provider based in Malta, but you need to be there to set it up.

ACCOMMODATION: I use for hotels and Airbnb for apartments. For Colivings, I usually book privately, but is a good place to start.

THINGS TO DO: I use Viator or Get Your Guide for booking day trips, city tours and other activities, though I often check reviews on TripAdvisor too.

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View from the MacLehose Trail - Hong Kong's Toughest Hike


5 responses to “Hiking the MacLehose Trail Stages 1 and 2 in Hong Kong”

  1. […] New Territories and realise that you’ve been wrong the whole time, the majority of Hong Kong is spectacular countryside and you cross your fingers and hope that the breathtaking country parks won’t be bulldozed and […]

  2. Zoe Avatar

    Looks awesome to hike there!

  3. Aga Avatar

    This looks like a great hike! I didn’t even know you can see views like this in Hong Kong!

  4. Alter Avatar

    Were the 13h for stage 1 and 2 only, or including the part of section 3 you walked?
    If it’s for the overall, how long did it took for section 1 and 2 only?
    Thank you

    1. Amy Avatar

      Hey Alter. It took 13 hours for stage 1, 2 and a bit of 3. We were also carrying our camping equipment, which slowed us down. Hope that helps! For sections 1 and 2, probably around 10 hours (including a few breaks for food/water etc.).

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