My birthday is the 12th March. That means right now you must be saying, “Oh, I know someone with that birthday,” or, even better, “That’s my birthday too!” – and you are certainly not alone. A 12th March birthday can be a blessing and a curse, and must be shared with everyone else that was born between 5th-13th March, which seems to be everyone else, period.
But one thing a 12th March birthday is not is uneventful. From summer dress snow days at primary school, to Comic Relief sleepovers throwing up, to pub golf mayhem at uni, my birthday always manages to be memorable, if not always for the right reasons.
Living in Hong Kong has not changed any of that. So, just in case you were wondering how to spend your own birthday in HK or elsewhere, here are some ways to do it (and not to do it):
22 – The White Wolf Birthday

Hey, I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling that 22 is the best age to theme your birthday after your favourite cheap vodka brand. White Wolf vodka, only available at the cheapo store in North Point, is HK$40 for a million litres, and thus the White Wolf theme for my 22nd birthday was born.
Highlights: inventive costume ideas from three-wolf t-shirts to Wolf gladiator lycra suits; getting so wasted that I would apparently only speak to party guests in Cantonese (except my Cantonese is mostly limited to “Singapore noodles please” and “Kam Ping Street, North Point”, even now).
Lowlights: taking a swig of “snake wine” before leaving pre-drinks at our flat and not remembering anything after getting off the MTR at Wan Chai; waking up the next morning with no memory, no money, and a makeshift “wolf tail” key-ring digging into my back. Safe to say that
The Hangover wolf pack had nothing on my 22nd birthday.
23 – The Harlem Shake Birthday

In the space between my 22nd and 23rd birthdays I left Hong Kong, lived in Italy for six months, moved back to the UK and then moved back to Hong Kong.
Not satisfied with my Wan Chai experience from the previous year, this time I made sure that I would actually make it to Wan Chai by living in Wan Chai, and had everyone round for drinking games on my balcony. It was the spring of 2013 and therefore it was obligatory to make a Harlem Shake video.
Highlights: Ian licking that mop.
Lowlights: if you’re trying to find me in that picture and can’t, it’s because I thought it was an excellent idea to bleach my hair.
24 – The Boob Hat Birthday

The best thing to do on your birthday is move house. Said no one ever. I spent the day in Ikea buying furniture (some of you may remember that this was the infamous year that a certain someone bought me an Ikea voucher for my birthday, ever the romantic), then moved stuff into my new place only to realise I had left all my clothes and make-up at my old place.
Regardless, I continued the tradition of getting birthday drunk in Wan Chai by consuming margaritas at Coyotes and wearing a sombrero that looked like a boob.
Highlights: did you not see the picture of the boob hats? Hilarity! And also – a free hat!
Lowlights: getting drunk and not being able to figure out whether to go home to my new place or old place.
25 – The “I missed it, I was napping” Birthday

The best thing to do on your birthday is move jobs. Said no one ever. I had the day off between moving from one job to another, so I tried to go to the Art Museum for a cultural and classy birthday, but it was closed.
Then, I came out in hives for no reason and had to take an anti-histamine, but the anti-histamine made me sleepy so I took a nap. All day.
Highlights: it was a really good nap, though.
Lowlights: no drinking, la!
26 – The Breakfast at Tiffany’s Birthday

And so it arrived. The big 26. What birthday drama or epic fail would incur on this night, this year? Well… I hate to disappoint, but IT WAS THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER.
Highlights: North Point cooked food market; beers in bowls; Belgian beers; cocktails with chocolate round the rim; Insomnia’s amazing band; TAKE ME TO CHURCH; McDonalds breakfast at Tiffany’s
Lowlights: I wanna do it ALL over again!
Many thanks to all that made it out for an epic birthday night out this year and even bigger hugs and kisses to those who sent cards, pressies, emails and even Facebook messages. It may be my fifth HK birthday, but I certainly don’t feel any less loved than when I had a birthday at home.
So now to my 26th year, the sixth year of being in my early twenties. What do you have in store for me, 26? Older, yes. Wiser? Maybe not yet.
More About Hong Kong
I lived in Hong Kong for five years, teaching English and later working in marketing and publishing. For more HK travel recommendations, you can read my Hong Kong Guide here, filled with lesser-known destinations and local expat insights.
Travel Essentials
Here are the websites and services I personally use and recommend.
Disclaimer: this box contains affiliate links. This means I earn a small commission if you choose to make a purchase using this link, but at no cost to you.
FLIGHTS: The best deals can be found on Skyscanner, Google Flights and Kiwi (learn more about Kiwi travel hacking here).
TRAVEL INSURANCE: I recommend World Nomads for travel insurance because you can purchase once you’re already overseas and you can easily extend your policy. For digital nomads, I recommend and personally use Genki (learn more about Genki digital nomad health insurance here).
E-SIM: For travel in Europe, I use an e-sim with GoMobile, which is a provider based in Malta, but you need to be there to set it up.
ACCOMMODATION: I use for hotels and Airbnb for apartments. For Colivings, I usually book privately, but is a good place to start.
THINGS TO DO: I use Viator or Get Your Guide for booking day trips, city tours and other activities, though I often check reviews on TripAdvisor too.
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