10 Ways I Manage My Fear of Flying (And You Can Too)

Fear of Flying Cover

Are you surprised? I lived in Hong Kong for half a decade, I write a travel blog and I fly regularly. How could I possibly have a fear of flying?

If it helps, I’ve often asked myself the same question.

Where did the fear of flying come from?

My fear of flying properly started to manifest itself a couple of years ago. I haven’t been able to pin it down to anything in particular. There were no traumatising air travel experiences, no personal tragedies. No reason to doubt that the plane I’m travelling on will do anything other than get me from A to B. Read more

So That History Does Not Repeat Itself: Phnom Penh, Cambodia

So that history does not repeat itself

Three pictures taken in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Three places that were difficult to visit, but too important not to miss. Let me share the stories behind them…

Sometimes tourism is more than just a holiday in a nice resort, cocktail with curly straw in hand. More than being brave and backpacking solo around Southeast Asia, posting lovely photos of exotic places on Instagram.

Travel educates you about the world in a way a textbook and the Internet can’t. And part of that education is learning about the history of a country or city to discover what shaped it into the place it is today. Read more

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